Tag Archives: The Old Man

Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind. – Pinterest

I rolled over early this morning and found my favorite place…Fred’s shoulder. Threw my leg over his and sighed. Now before you start thinking “TMI” rest assured that I’m keeping this PG.

Do you have a spot like that…a place where EVERYTHING in the world is right? Where you know you’re safe? That’s been Fred’s shoulder for me. He wraps his arm around me and usually starts playing with my hair..which somehow must be one of the most comforting things on earth. It reminds me of my mom doing the same thing when I was a little girl…and I know peace for a few unadulterated precious moments.

Now life is really good if Fred doesn’t expect me to start talking. I mean really. It’s EARLY. Shhh. Be quiet. The only words I have this early in the morning sound frightenly similar to Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, “nah” [insert a Phil No].

It wasn’t always that way. No, Fred used to be the morning grunter. The years have changed us…or maybe reversed us. I used to be the early riser and the morning talker. In fact, to save the marriage, we learned pretty quickly that we could not spend our early mornings with each other. Fred used to be a slow starter…like don’t-talk-to-him-for-oh-maybe-the-first-3-hours slow start. Now, I’m used to waking up after Fred’s gone to work and having the house to myself…just me and Good Morning America and a few moments with the Old Man (our 16 year old OLD dog-who’s lasted longer than lots of marriages).


The Old Man
The Old Man

 Mornings are quiet. I find sometimes that I either haven’t spoken at all or I find myself carrying on a conversation with myself just for the company! But it sure is a nice morning when it began in my favorite spot. With a few moments of just pure peace.

So what about you…where’s your favorite spot? Your safe place? Does your early morning start with any Duck Dynasty sounding quacks?