Category Archives: Family

Sushi and Philosphy

Had lunch with my son. He loves sushi…Fred calls that “bait”.

My son is 6’6″ with this wild red hair and beard. He’s smarter than snot….And he’s not sure what he wants.

For years, all during high school, he planned to go into the Air Force..but then… he didn’t. Now he tends bar and works sometimes as a bouncer. I think he’d really like to travel and I think he should. Now is the time. He’s single, 21, unattached. I know I’d worry. But I worry about him now, so not sure what the difference would be. Maybe harder to get to him if he needed me, but that doesn’t seem like a good enough reason for him not to go. Hate letting fear get in the way. Especially my fear…in his way.

When I was about his age, I dreamed of driving a Chevy truck across the US and working my way at whatever job I could find. I figured I could waitress almost any where (I’ve never been a waitress, but I could have)…and I didn’t think money would be a big deal. Money isn’t such a big deal at 21.

I kind of regret that I didn’t do that. Robert Frost poemed,
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

And I understand that….2 choices. And I wouldn’t give up the place, or I guess more – the people – I’m with now. But it’s hard not to wonder, what if I’d taken that “other” path? Where would it have led?

I don’t know where he’s going to be in a few years. I hope it’s some place that he’s happy being. I hope he knows that wherever he is, he’s loved. That’s the thing I want him to and tomorrow.

What road did you choose? Was it the one less traveled? And did it make “all the difference”?