Author Archives: Mecca Trueblood

Day 7 – #100daysofhappy

Lovely day today. Perfect weather…well here, not Florida…praying for friends there??

Spent most of the day on the patio absorbing fall. Read a book, loved on Dufus, drank some coffee, ran some errands, made a door hanger. I love letters…

Day 6 – #100daysofhappy

Fighting a migraine doesn’t make me very happy. But it’s Friday & hard not to appreciate that. Wish I could have gotten a pic of Dufus peeking through my legs during this morning’s downward dog….he cracks me up!

Will take a simple cheese board of sorts for dinner as my happy place today…and a bit of time outside with this delightful fall weather.  Not a bad way to end the week  Happy weekend y’all.