Day 1 – #100daysofhappy

I’m borrowing from a cousin of mine in Austin (#100daysofhappy) and starting a daily post of something that made me happy each day. I thoroughly believe that reminding ourselves of things to be grateful for helps us to recognize that we are truly blessed. In that same vein, I’m going to post something daily to remind myself how much I have to be happy about.

So, today, as a golf widow, I got up and Dufus and I went on a 2-mile walk. The weather here is changing, cooling off. I LOVE this time of year and look forward to the change of the season and the pace of life in general.

So the beginning was there just in the air I was breathing. Then I came in and made my breakfast: eggs ala’ Joel (with mayonnaise and cheddar cheese (don’t knock it ’til you try it)) with Joe T Garcia’s salsa and avocado slices. Now that’s enough to be happy about, but…the avocado slices came from an avocado I food sealed 2 weeks ago! It was a sweet breakfast…with toast and apple jelly on the side. #Imhappy