Fred’s Stuff

Fred makes stuff in his spare time. Beautiful dining tables, end tables, crafts for me, frames, corbels, chalkboards. He’s a handy man to have around.

Mesquite Side Table

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IMG_0681 end table

Fred made 2 of these lovely mesquite wood side tables. The wood is lovely and the tables are heavy (kicked one once in the dark – not funny).

Garden Post

This is a post that can be positioned anywhere (it has a stake drilled into the ground for support). It currently holds my “Summer” wreath of garden hose, gloves and flowers. But later it will have maybe a Fall placard. It has a solar light on top so that you see it at night.

Order your own (sans wreath or placard) for $125

Fred hose stand 1 Fred hose stand 2







Update to the Garden Post

Purchased 3 inexpensive chalkboards, Fred drilled in connecting holes, we tied them together. Did a little artwork about it being time for the entertaining hummingbirds to leave and Viola!

bye bye hummingbird

Front Porch Decor

Got this idea from Pinterest then elaborated on it. We actually made this for a friend’s birthday to go on her front porch. Each ‘post’ turns so that you have 4 seasonal looks: Easter (the cross arms swivel out of the way during other seasons), 4th of July firecrackers,  candles (you can add greenery and lights) and then a chalkboard side for any message you want (Happy, Happy, Happy).

Order your own (sans greenery & lights) for $75 (approximately 36″ tall)

fred stand 1 fred stand 2Fred stand 3Fred stand 4




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