Old Friends

I had a wonderful opportunity to visit with a friend from long ago recently. Thanks GC for the lunch and the time. I’m so glad we had the time to share with each other. And thankful for the promise to keep in touch. (Good grief, we’re not good at this!)

GC and I met when we were young college girls. That was a long time ago. I’m pretty sure that she adopted me and shared her sweet family with me at a time that I was far away from my own.

And a few weekends ago, Fred & I attended his 40th high school reunion. I’m just amazed. This is a group of people who are still friends 40 years later! They are so different in some ways – there are the cheerleaders, the entrepreneurs, the firemen, the school administrators, the rich, the famous, the infamous. It’s just a lot of fun to sit back and watch them. They never seem to run out of things to say to each other. I’ve never seen a clique in this group..and that’s REALLY amazing! And they’re NICE to each other.

I’m just thinking about how I can’t necessarily predict who will be friends. Can you? Like GC offered me a connection to family. Plus she’s just one of the nicest people you could ever meet. Very giving.

I have another friend, WGF, who I can just sit with and I don’t have to be someone special. She makes me laugh! I’m not even sure how we started being friends. We went to church together…and then we were friends. She is the BEST cook – like your grandmomma cooked!

I often wonder if people start being friends with me first and then I just kind of follow along?