Monthly Archives: February 2015

She’s Really Getting Married

A precious friend is fitting Gig’s wedding dress and last week she sent a text to say it was ready for the first fitting. And she added, “It’s one of the best made wedding dresses I’ve ever seen.”

And I got so excited! Then I burst into tears.

Somehow, knowing that, made the whole thing seem… well, right now – not “down the road a bit”. We’ve spent the last year talking about her getting married and the things that she wants and where it’s going to be and who’s going to be there. And fitting the dress brought it all front and center.

It isn’t about loosing my baby girl…it’s more the changes that I know will be right around the corner.

When we had this little girl, we didn’t think about the day that she’d walk down the aisle. We were counting fingers and toes. And the years flew by and she became my friend as well as my child. She became someone who I was so proud of…she went off to college (maybe dated some duds along the way), then she graduated, got a job,  bought a house and learned, and loved, to DIY all on her own (playing with the electricity still scares me). And made her home and…well, grew up.

And now she’s getting married. In just a few weeks.

I already know that I’m going to cry. I’m a crier. But they will be happy tears – for my precious child/friend. And for the future she’s going to share with a very, very lucky man.

And the dress is going to look beautiful on her. Because she’s beautiful.

The Momma Dress

So Gig & The Beau got engaged December a year ago. And the wedding is in April.

Last week, my “momma dress” arrived. I was a little worried about it. (OK, maybe more than a “little”.) I’d found it online then couldn’t find one locally to try on. I even bought another dress – a really pretty navy sequined short dress – that I knew by the time I got it home that it wasn’t what I wanted to wear. Then I finally found THE DRESS. So I grabbed a friend, ran down to Dallas, tried it on in a short version, different color, picked the color, paid for it all in about a 5 minute time period. Got in the car and thought, “What did I just do?! Does Gig even LIKE this dress?!” Then I saw the picture we’d snapped and I wouldn’t even show it to people because I thought it looked bad – more like boobs with no waist. What had I done?!

So, last week they called. (BTW – a great shout out to Circle Park Bridal. I love the owner.) The day of reckoning. So Fred & I ran down Saturday to pick it up. I was nervous. Real nervous. If I hated this dress it was going on Craigslist and Gig was probably going to kill me…or The Beau’s mom who waited for me to pick. (Did you know that etiquette is that the MOB picks first? Yeh, me either.)

Fred wouldn’t go away so I could try this on alone and therefore throw what’s known in the South as a hissy fit if need be (and yes, there ARE reasons for a hissy fit sometimes). But then, cue the angels singing, OMG it was lovely! I love it! Thank. You. Jesus!

And then the euphoria started! I don’t look like a blimp! It’s a lovely dress! It’s got pockets! It’s too long! (I don’t know that I’ve ever had a dress that was too long.) It’s comfortable. And Gig, she said the nicest things – “It’s perfect. You look beautiful.” And I think for the first time since I bought it, I could breathe. And Fred said it took me about an hour and a half to come down to earth.

This getting married stuff is hard on the momma.